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Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a Greek philosopher and polymath who made significant contributions to various fields of study, including philosophy, science, mathematics, logic, ethics, politics, and more. He was born in Stagira, in northern Greece, and studied under Plato at Plato's Academy in Athens for nearly twenty years. Later, he became a teacher himself, founding his own school called the Lyceum.


Aristotle's philosophy covers a wide range of topics. He developed his own philosophical system, often called Aristotelianism, which differed significantly from Plato's idealism. Unlike Plato, who believed in the existence of abstract Forms, Aristotle emphasised empirical observation and the study of the natural world.


Aristotle is often regarded as the father of logic. He developed the deductive reasoning system known as syllogism, which formed the basis of formal logic. His work in logic laid the groundwork for much of Western philosophy and science.


Aristotle's metaphysical ideas revolved around the concept of substance and essence. He posited that everything in the world comprises substances with specific characteristics or essences. This notion influenced later philosophers and theologians.


Aristotle's ethical philosophy is centred on the concept of eudaimonia, often translated as "happiness" or "flourishing." He argued that the highest good for humans is to live a virtuous life in accordance with reason. His ethical theories have had a profound impact on moral philosophy.


In his work "Politics", Aristotle explored the nature of the state, different forms of government, and the best ways to achieve a just society. He favoured a mixed form of government, combining elements of democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy.

Natural Sciences

Aristotle significantly contributed to various scientific disciplines, including biology, physics, and psychology. His observations and classifications of animals laid the groundwork for biological studies. He also developed theories on motion, causality, and psychology that were influential for centuries.

Literary Works

Besides his philosophical treatises, Aristotle wrote extensively on literary theory and criticism. His "Poetics" remains a seminal work in studying drama and poetry, shaping how subsequent generations have approached literature.


Aristotle's influence on Western thought cannot be overstated. His works were widely studied and commented upon throughout antiquity and the Middle Ages. His ideas continue to be debated and explored by philosophers, scientists, and scholars to this day.

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